Monday, April 30, 2012

"No More Dreaming"

I hear the voice
As it says to me
Let go Mimi
Be what you're destined to be.

Terrors that trap my mind racing
Delay this distant foolish tasting.

How do I stride 'round town
Struck like thunders casting down.
Thoughts of everlasting tricks
Try to keep me caged in nightmares bliss.

Never liked to keep my feet on the ground.
Even thought too soon came back around.
Thought I needed feeling to what was already found.
But now I see that it never lasts until its our dying end.

No dream's too big
Chase the smallest wish.
Don't give up when there's doubt
Remember: dreams do exist

Friday, April 27, 2012

"Stay Waiting"

You and I
Once you and me.
Never tried to make
Whole hopes appear.

Mad it aches
When I feel you near
Try to wake
But it's all too clear.

Now she's there
With you tonight.
Bet you kiss her hand
Hold her warm at night.

Bet she doesn't know you dear
Bet you know I should be there.

Look around I'll never say
I'd hoped your words
Would come my way.

Stay away thats what I'd fear
That you would save our love
If meaning I'd wait here.

No way to stay
Thought I'd be here.
To waste away
These tiresome tears.

Broke me now
Still missing here
These once sweet words
No way now sincere.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

"A Sweet Act"

There stands a girl
Standing by the tree.
Crying in search of
The dark unheard plea.

Longing to feel arms entrap
Her shivers of loss and disparity.
Reaching out she sings to me
Of joyful thoughts sweet melancholy.

She dances in the streets
To no syncopated beats.
Tries to explain matter of fact
This world's all just an act.

Fear of what's down darkened days
Calling her to birth new sun rays.
Hours cross set aflame the reprise
On scorched depths of her memories.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Once Upon Forgotten"

My deadly fear: to be forgotten...somehow we all leave our mark while living our days, whether we inspire others to do good or we change the lives of those around us by the actions that help better out community. Never Forget....

You're the one I see
When its hard to hide.
You know I'm close
To what can't be disguised.

Too shy to speak
Thoughts couldn't be right.
Scared to break this bind
In hope of what I'd find.

Pray I'm yours to keep
Thought it would be oh too sweet.
Ignored their stresses on the making
But set myself up for the taking.

Fell for the wrong guy
Never thought to care.
Of being so cherished
Such thoughts suspended in air.

Wake up to sing
Hide despairs all around.
Fear of finding you there
Placed my heart on cold ground.

He stands before me
Wishing what went wrong.
How do I wake from this nightmare?
Can't let go once your gone.

Think back when you and I
Wished we could see.
Had hopes we'd stay beside
Sweet times now long on by.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Too Broken"

Too broken?....then pick up the pieces and force yourself to see yourself in a new light and even rediscover what you thought what was right in front of you.....

We're out of luck
Yet here we stand
My solemn hurt
A helping hand.

Broken wishes
only seem
Risky possibilities

Tangled in this web
Reaching if only to see
Which wonders fade away
Glance at my failed abstentees.

What it's worth to all
Much less to believe
Only forgotten; always claim
The strangers doubt soon cast free.

"Sultry Binds"

Sometimes the person who we think is our everything, turn out to Beth's ones that are trying to keep us from reality. Never give up your dreams because someone tells you that they are the only thing that you need to be happy. Our goals and achievements are what give us our identities. Never let go of the accomplishments that define YOU...

Rustling in the wind
Calls out to scream.
Seem to fall but can't unwind
The crimson tides urge to unbind.

A chilling breeze soon surround
The silent force that claims my all
Run me haywire, run me down
Entice this translucent sullen fall.

It wasn't meant to be you I thought
To be the one I picked from the lot.
Distant wishes too soon to rot
Aside my heart, the pain it brought.

My reflection never had asked
Why I left that summer night
Doubtless days send me past
Back to times of carnal delight.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

"Obscure Awakenings"

Wishing only had me see
How much love that died in me.
Never knew an end too tragic
What once I called enticing magic.

If I were to see you glance
My world could only hope to chance.
But you see her as the only one
But don't end what could have begun.

I can't, I shouldn't, It can't be true
All this time, but now breaks through.
Obscure my mind, you do me wrong
Leads me to dream in silver's dawn.

Chemicals react to all what's new
Not knowing what we'd turn into.
I won't wish that one day you see
This growing heat worth no degree.

"Black Blind"

There's always that one person that you've become great friends with but you know that you shouldn't want to be with them when they're with someone else...but you know you'd treat them better, if only they could realized it....

Listen to the distant beat
That breaks upon this wicked heat.
Into your eyes I hope to find
The spark that once entranced my mind.

Across the walk I hold your stare
dared to pull your tousled hair.
A new sensation, a new thrill
Won't tell you boy, a new done deal.

Stay with me, dream with me
To end this dark possibility.
Ruby red, and crystal clear
Black as though no tears to fear.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Timeless Days"

We never realize what we have until it's gone. Will you lose the opportunity to achieve your dreams when the time that you have is almost at an end? Make the change. Don't wait, go out and discover what waits for you to find....or simply waste away these faded days....

The tasteless
The madness
The sorrows entrance us.

Nothing speaks
To cold air creaks, that
End this darkened thriving reach, to distant goodbyes that take pain to
Lacking greed to desires need.

Stop the longing to achieve
Self doubt turns to stand alone.
Can't stop me now
Won't stop me how
Don't bind me to silent ground.

Lonely on the pavement steps
No one reaches to guide or help
Shut the door, shut them out
All the hope I hoped to doubt.

Losing sense of all around
Smiling faces never found.
Take away the doom and grey
Losing as these days fade away.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Unknown Fears"

We'll never know what life has in store for us unless we take chances. We never fail when we fall. We only fail when we stop trying to achieve our goals.

Don't know why I couldn't be
Your only one, your everything.
Drained me of what I couldn't see
Never thought I'd try to believe.

Never believe each day we're here's
To doubt our haunted unknown fears.
Forced within my open arms
Thrown into heart of the storms.

Long to cast these seas of green
Towards the joys of singing free.
Withstand the hurt I'll never stray
Until my strength carries me away.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"True Bliss"

Sometimes God tries to tear you apart from those who we try so separately to hold onto....and show you that even though someone may not be Perfect, their perfect for YOU.

Break in jump straight
Take it 'till my head shakes.
Talk tough talk street
Bring the skyline down to me.

Quake me, take my endless dreams
Don't stop, just wait the end we see
The day to dawn is everything but gone.

No end to these jubilant cries
wait as these feelings crash my skies.
Sink or swim we'll never beat
This thing called love no one can defeat.
Eyes that knew once knew my heart
But tear and rip my hope apart
Was you, I knew, my work of art.

Nothing's lost when it's the risk
of holding him with that single kiss.
Blinded courage and syncing miss
The chance to bring imminent bliss.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Back to Desire"

Always go after your dreams. Never think its too big to achieve. Anything can happen if you test yourself and push yourself towards your goals. Never accept "no," only accept that it may not happen right now or in that one moment. But in a single moment, any dream can become a reality...

Don't try to struggle
too easy how we could be.

Try to admit that lovers never show
what we all must know.

Hope your dream never can deceive,
Trap the ones who beg below
The dreams we all long to achieve.

Better to lose than never tried to fall.
Hard to make it when we fear it all.

Lost the strength to carry out
The struggles our world never sleeps without.

Never doubt what's never won
Go on achieving until the day is done.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"See Me"

 Has there ever been a moment that you wish you could change it all?...

Take me back
To the heat.
When days were bitter but oh so sweet.
The sting in your kiss
And touch of cool white sheets
Shake me from my endless sleep.

Take the stars in your arms
Don't let me go you know I'm yours.
Morning comes once again
My dreams come to their bitter end.

Pale green eyes, looking in
A broken will, a longing still
A rich sensation, come and go
The sweetest love I'll never know.

You look to me
My heart is still
You smile's sweet
The racing heat
That stops my ever word.

Endless stars in your eyes
Never ending glows arise
Break upon horizon's skies.

Lifting seas, embrace and shine
A sealing kiss, from yours to mine.
Crying as you walk this way
Loss of words to make you see.

Call the wishes in nights' air
Braid them into my raven hair.
Lace their tears into my dreams
Hold me t'ill the end of time.

All across rainbow skies
Nature swoons its weary cries.
Look into a withered life
Hold me close and hide your eyes.

Snow touches all around
An Endless light that soon surround.
Place the faith soon to be found
Motionless laughter that hits the ground.

"Close Your Eyes"

Another piece of comfort to anyone who wants to escape whatever entrapment they find themselves caged in. Find the one thing that allows your mind to escape even if it's only temporary, let it take you away...

This is me
Dare to be
Wait and see
What's beyond the stars.

Galaxies, swaying trees
Beneath summers breeze
The wandering dreams
Of running below these starry nights.

The moon's stare
My raven hair
Suffocate my wonders here
Take me apart as one.

What it takes to be seen
Or even find the MEANING
Of dreams that BELIEVING
One day can be reality.

It's never late to start
Follow my steps in the sand
Come along and hold my hand.

We can make it alright
Push all the doubting aside
Bring faith from deep inside
And close your eyes.

We've lost when hope stands still
When we lost our true will
Desires lost in time
Until your hands in mine.

This is me
Dare to see
What more I couldn't be

Beneath the summer trees
The skies, the tiding seas
A whole new place I can see
Longs to sail with me,
Away in my enchanted dreams.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

"Keep Hope Alive"

You burn me like ice
I thought you were gone
this has to end
this once again
shakes my world forever.

Never knowing how
or even if it's now.
Now's the time time to say the way
you hurt as much as I.

Ice burns in my heart
when did this love start.
To drive away
never fade the pain
along the burning night.

Wake in the morning to the beat of the sun
nothing we desire's ever given but won.
As it soon strives to keep hope alive
Only to fall but hope keeps us arise.

Friday, April 6, 2012

"What To Give"

And of course along with the seven deadly sins I HAD to be inspired to write about the seven heavenly virtues as well....

A nun praising her holy lord,
The light that she,
long adored.
Lies beneath the apple tree
And smiles with loving purity.

Procrastinate, and nothings done
And soon weekend’s,
no longer fun.
Living in a world of stand-stilled
Never aids a small act of diligence.

Darkened days in a cardboard home
Sleeping still with a pillow of foam.
A warming cover,
what rarity?
To wake,
coated in curious charity.

Bottle empty, no final drop
Curving lips
that seem to flop.
An addict; six months of soberness
Swells with courageous

A violent whipping of whistling blows, as
A fire soaring high, where
mountains once rose. To lay down your arms,
let our wars be ceased
And let this world be encumbered with a gracing peace.

So much to live for, but what to give?
A deepening cut force one
to only relive.
A feel, a gentle yet curious caress
From warming eyes of blissful kindness.

A fiery taste; the fire more savory
Inhaled through lungs
with gallant bravery.
A piercing conscious is never free
Until it floods itself with alluring modesty. 

"Natural Sin?"...

This was written for my creative writing class in my junior year of high school. What could be more interesting than the seven deadly sins?...

Attractions rise from broken fate,
As wonder dreams
a murky slate.
Every step; an outstretched stride.
One who sways an exuberant pride.

Aqua blue and cerulean seas
Rippling down
a calming breeze.
The tempest spits; a raging scene.
Sands of time; now
envious green.

Godly eyes peering below,
Tainted deeds, rot
natures’ glow.
A careless turn, down wicked path,
Turtle doves fear Hell’s wrath.

A tearless cry soon growing weak
As forbidden dreams
soon do seek.
Feeling void; a growing plea,
Make one naive
Of gluttonous glee.

A thief of dreams or of the night
A fearful, sneaking,
eerie spite.
A dark abyss, of infinite need,
Of pure intend
and thoughts of greed.

A dwindling thought; a lacking dream
To drifting endless valley streams.
Soaring lonely, a moon lit moth.
Sleeps as if a lifeless sloth.

A steering crowd; a dazing kiss,
A simpering touch
Of tempted bliss.
A trap, a game, of distracted trust.
Of one so sly as secret lust. 

"The War We Break"...

As I was sitting at my work desk over the summer, I was listening to the song "Wavin' Flag" by K'naan and he sings about becoming something more in the world and that the fights and anger that we hold onto we only lead us to self destruction. Everyone has the ability to overcome those struggles and to set them aside in order to find a better tomorrow.

All the mystery it’s around us
Never doubting it can[‘t] stop us.
Be your hero never stopping
As the faith they always watching.

Never streaming flow to freedom
This believing not receding.
Hold your hope now slowing earths tide
Our true nature fills us inside.

Dance upon the open fields now
As the laughter fill the fields now.
As the grounds they red and writhing
So afflicted when’s the stopping?

Every child all religions
Every dream that we envisioned.
In my reach but slowly drifting
Hope is close now soon believing.

See horizons grace the mornings
Graze across her ancient sightings.
Waters shifting wrath it’s seeping
Drowns the pain out natures keeping.

All the fear that shakes the meaning
All our dreams once misbelieving.
So we go down to the rivers
Face destruction nature’s sinner.

Heroes rise to dream and wonder
Flee the air of crave and wander.
Sings her song now its growing plea
To be free her, try and stop me.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I've Only Just Begun!

In order to achieve anything, we have start somewhere. Everyone that has become successful in life started as what many of us are; entrepeneurs and dreamers. The hardest part is the beginning....Do what you love, love what you do....

It's more than just a game you see
So many rare, delicious possibilities.
Scramble, soar, eagles flying
But amusements only far as this earth is dying.
You never know what days your last
But hope you regret, nothings last.
All the friends and all the memories
Fill all the moments of sadden melodies.
Now go on and listen to all those tales
Without even trying until you’ve failed.
Holding onto what may never be seeming
Stays alone in your head if you don’t go achieving.
Have you ever made love to a screaming banshee
Or how you’d fill this hole that slowly devours me?
This game we play is our story, our ending it seems
If you never admit to the destroying of things,
The living of thoughts you hand over to me, to one
Another you see, this passion slowly,
It’s tiding tears, devouring thee. 


Words fit to crash upon my mind's rampage...

No limits as a rainbow
No simple sunset
Whirls, twirls and colors
Flicked upon a wooden
Placed a top, the basics stand
As swirls intertwine and mix
Fiery, spiked messes of shades
Dark, light, thick,
All shades made for any small
A clump here, a spot there
This massive collage of colors,
Amber reds, woody greens, royal blues,
Mustard yellows and violets fit for any
Blend as one wave
Of crashing

So Broken

When you feel the pain of a broken heart, no one can collect the pieces but you. Our hearts were made to strive and overcome the obstacles that are placed before us. We all have experienced what it feels like to be broken. We begin to feel the need to fix whatever problem there seems to be, we begin to cling to that person trying to "change," then we become upset and hurt over the possible loss and we isolate ourselves from others. The stress overwhelms us and our minds wander back to the pain whenever we try to focus and it seems as if our minds cannot concentrate on a single thing; except on the heartache. Gotta, pick ourselves up.

"These Pieces"...

Words that broke the porcelain heart
The distant glow could never fade
But they were meant to love apart.

The silver bell still sings its part,
Wonder never looks afar, the
Words that broke the porcelain heart.

Mend the cracks of decaying art
The silence soon turning deaf
But they were meant to love apart.

Force natures willing chart
Immortal whispers of toxic promise
Words that broke the porcelain heart.

To know, unknown of how to start
The dwindling vigor, a broken stream
But, they were meant to love apart.

The link that binds our minds impart,
The bleeding senseless naked truth, of
Words that broke the porcelain heart
But they were meant to love apart.

A Lesson in Pain

Everyone experiences heartache, but when we only blame ourselves for what went wrong, do we lose ourselves? Have the desire to grow from our experiences and from those here to help us. Everyone that comes into our lives change us. We become the people who we are today from who we meet each moment of our lives.....

"The Blame"...

Wishful dreams snuggle doodled blank pages
Laughter rings through unknown gazes,
Burning sensations
Melt me to the snow beneath my graffiti sneakers.

A shattered mirror on the floor
No reflection but pieces of me,
I scream a voiceless cry
Disappearing into this black abyss once more.

Tangled in fires sensation
My bruised illusion; of you,
Soaring thoughts mute my sight,
A wave of bliss drowns my sorrows
Wishing tonight would never succumb to the night shadows.

Snow was our delight, yet you made it winter teardrops.
My oasis, grasped by frosted grips
Engulf my rigid vision of what I thought,

That smile, deafening
Those eyes, blinding
That touch, paralyzing.
 To wake to midnights terror, of your
Peering eyes through my window pain.

Where to now?...

Who knows where we'll end up after this life? All we can hope for is a better TOMORROW

"My Eden"...

It may not be godly
It may not last forever
But it is a place
Of endless gold.

Dancing to the syncopated wind,
Swaying from root to tip
As they turn their face,
To the scorching sun.

Grounds fit for any king,
Endless golden rays, plummeting
Amber waves, now sealed
Within a flower buds embrace.

Grazing a touch, against golden petals
Feeling every golden detail down to their bend and curve.
As I close my eyes knowing,
That when I awake,
My Eden will still exist. 

~R.I.P Trayvon Martin. Gone too soon, but in a better place.

Struggles Within

For anyone who has felt trapped inside and has struggled to be themselves.


The sand, the spring
The sun, the seas.
The trees that sway
A cooling breeze.

The reds, yellows,
Orange and greens.
A mass collage of
Tropical scenes.

Seeping through skies,
Parted at ease.
To break these bars,
And part these seas.

It's all around us...

There is inspiration all around us. It is in our daily encounters, in our mistakes and in our surroundings. Today as I was walking down the street I stopped to see a small creek and as I slowly began to imagine this is what came to mind...

"Silver Dew From Water’s Edge"....

The brisk lit leaves reflect rays of burning fireflies
Through the waxy leaves of Octobers morn.
The sun soon rising, lifts its face to present its
Meddling grace. The shadows, hidden corners of
Tree flesh, the ducks, waddling joyous
Strides. Down to lakebeds. Where I once laid.
Engulfing ambers, burn my neck as
Lonesome trees sway to my melancholy atmosphere.
The drapes of water lilies lying in vertebrae twines.
The scent of lemon and musk surround my senses.
Silence, never so stunning.
The silver draped in lengthy dew, crystal
Shone in waters eye.
Silken threads entwine my fingertips
Edge, as these fibers, drown in teardrops
Of lily green. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Do You Dare Me to Ramble?...

Welcome to Greedy Ramblings! This is a blog to express my love for poetry in any shape and form. It is not only an art form but it is also an escape. And so, I'd like to dedicate my first poem to a very special person in my life. She is inspiring, strong and full of wisdom. She is that person who makes me smile when I never want to. She is the reason why I continue to dream my goals to be possible and fight to achieve each day. She is always in my heart and mind every day. I can still remember all the days we spent together.

"In Memory"...

A pair of lilies; round the corner,
That rich cocoa shade I remember so well,
Laughter echoing in silent space
Oh, how I find you in every place.

Her touch so calming; soothing
Embracing every rainy day; my face aglow.
She never doubted a thing I did
That’s why I can’t let go.

PB n’J, apple pie
Each flavored task I loved.
The sweet sting of cinnamon,
Still lingers from every hug.

Halloween pumpkin pie
Or old grey mittens to give away,
Each action repeated, somehow felt anew,
Puzzled at what next,
You were the one I looked to.

The sand box was my sanctuary,
The big toy; my hiding place,
Yet there you were, standing there,
Gazing upon my tear soaked face.

That laughter, rolled from foreign waves,
Dark curls clustered round her head,
Her eyes such an envy green,
Now closed, and rest instead.

She did not leave me; she never will,
She still smiles down from clouded hills.
She is watching, while I read to you,
I feel her grace; it’s still my strength,
That warm feeling, will soon break through.

~In Memory of Virginia “ Ginnie” Yvette Henderson Jones ~

~ Sincerely, Greed

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